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Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Antara Impian dan Ciamis

Lama sudah  Aku tinggalkan dirimu,..
bukannya aku tak mau kembali padamu
tapi berat rasanya bertemu,..
sebelum aku wujudkan cita - citaku

Kan kuraih mimpi - mimpiku 
Dan kuwujudkan semuanya disana,..
meski rindu sudah tak bisa kutahan lagi
maafkan, aku belum bisa singgah disana

Begitu luas hamparan laut, SAMUDERA,..yang memisahkan
seandainya bisa ku pijak pasti Kau akan kusinggahi

Ciamis....Ciamis tempat lahirku 
dimana dimana tempatku menuntut ilmu
begitu banyak jasa-jasa yang belum sempat aku balas
begitu banyak yang harus kutinggalkan
begitu banyak cerita yang sudah terlewatkan  

Apakah aku mampu, apakah umurku masih sempat membalas, 
merasakan dan melihat lagi
Tak kuat rasaya hati ini berpisah denganmu

namun apa daya,...

Aku harus meraih cita-citaku demi KEMJUANMU,....

Created by,
Dedi Setiadi (Kukuk)

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LaughingSmileWinkCoolThe reason I joined With "FANBOX"


This is encouraging and the reason why I joined the FANBOX, as global competition becomes more intense, and the worsening economic life, soaring oil prices, debt piling up (until around the waist).

here's who shoved've got extra income.

I was lucky to find this site though a bit late ....


fanbox website has a security system is pretty good, so I believe with this website, ..

in addition, the system fanbox no such thing as MLM, the closed point, and there is no aggrieved party and its members.


other than Fanbox is a good system, Fanbox also a social networking website that is very good, by joining me here more and more friends, Buddy and acquaintances in various parts of the world.

I am also here to share knowledge, experience, knowledge and circumstances in a country, even though I have not visited.


It turns out that not only the education acquired in school and books, educational course.

No mistake, I was the right choice fanbox, .. because in addition to earning money, increase of friends, here is also my experience that I never got before the increase in science or in other words Fanbox as well as a learning process.

which means that FANBOX train brain us, to think smarter, ... intelligent, creative. imagination, such as other members of smart .

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